Medicinal strains are a relatively new phenomenon. A medicinal strain is essentially any strain of cannabis that is high in a chemical called ‘Cannabidiol’ (CBD), they also tend to be lower in Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), giving them a much smoother high and making them much more effective for medicinal use. CBD is considered to be the most powerful medicinal phytocannabinoid found so far in cannabis and any strain high (upwards of 1%) in CBD is generally considered to be a medicinal strain.Medicinal strains may seem less appropriate for recreational users, however, it is often reported that high CBD strains give a very mild, comfortable high without the accompanying anxiety or paranoia that high THC/low CBD strains tend to produce. This is most likely due to their anti-psychotic properties.Medicinal varieties bring something very unique to the table, both for the recreational connoisseur and the medicinal consumer, by offering a relaxing high as well as significant health benefits…and as always you can expect nothing less than high-quality cannabis seeds when you buy from our team here at!